The greatness of a nefarious regime is here - Dân Làm Báo

The greatness of a nefarious regime is here

Bui Thi Minh Hang - Translated by Như Ngọc (Danlambao) - They "take care of" the people that well. So, do not complain why our people "LOVE" them the way Dang Ngoc Viet did. [They] cut off all communications this morning in order to attack our people and to rob the land. Van Giang is also in the same situation.

Below is a translation of the order from Vietnam Post and Telecommunication Corporation instructing phone companies to cut off mobile phone service in the unrest area.

Hanoi, October 08, 2013

Urgent, Secret!

Vietnam Post and Telecommunication Corporation calls on:
- VNP Company, VMS;
- VNPT Bac Ninh

No. 1039 DH/VT                  October 08, 2013

According to a request from the Ministry of Public Security, the Corporation requests that VNP and VMS to take the leading role, and VNPT Bac Ninh to assist in carrying out this task immediately:

- Cut off cell phone service provided by VNP and VMS in the entire area of Trinh Nguyen village, Chau Khe, Tu Son, Bac Ninh Province.

- Effective time: From 4 to 8 a.m. Wednesday (Oct. 09, 2013)


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