Peasants being treated unjustly from Đồng Nai together with Mekong Delta peasants protested in Saigon on 02 April 2014 - Dân Làm Báo

Peasants being treated unjustly from Đồng Nai together with Mekong Delta peasants protested in Saigon on 02 April 2014

Nguyen Hung (Danlambao) - On 02/04/2014 many people suffering injustice in the hands of the Vietnamese communist government from Dong Nai and the Mekong delta regions came to Saigon to accuse and protest against the government collaborating with various interest groups robbing their lands in the past years and demand for returning back their lands and properties.

The majority of the protesters are middle age and old ladies aged in the eighties, protesting peacefully, but they were still be brutally attacked by young police officers  both in uniforms and plain clothes disguising as thugs right on the street and in the police building.

Below is the collection of the video recording the protest rally. The state of conditions which the ladies was mistreated inside police buildings even though it was unable to record but the words spoke out by those being detained say it all about the inhuman treatments they were forced upon by the  communist security thugs.
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