Made in Vietnam (With chinese content) - Dân Làm Báo

Made in Vietnam (With chinese content)

Authorities of the "Vietnamese with Chines-style thinking " are infiltrating, and hidden everywhere


Time summary of Khaisilk fraud:

- October 17, 2017: 

Mr Dang Nhu Quynh and members ordered 60 silk scarves from Khaisilk store at 113 Hang Gai, Hanoi, Vietnam. Both ‘Made in China’ and ‘Made in Vietnam’ labels were found on the same scarf.

- October 19, 2017: 

Written document from the manager of this store said to the customer that it was a mistake of in-house inventory, ‘Made in China’ label is for exportation to Hongkong.

- October 23, 2107:

Dang Nhu Quynh posted the picture the scarf on his Facebook, then sent it for inspection at the Vietnam Textile Research Institute to examine source of fiber, and material.

- October 25, 2017:

Hoang Khai the owner, admitted to journalists that he has sold since 1990 Chinese-made silks to the market in Vietnam.

- October 26, 2017:

Ministry of Industry and Trade officials requested to clarify information reflected by consumers. 

Investigation initiated by Hanoi police and Market Monitor Department at this particular store.

- No response from Vietnam Textile Research Institute so far.


The scandal of the silk brand Khaisilk was discovered that in 30 years, customers were tricked with “Made in Vietnam” products but in fact they are products of China” , Vu Kim Hanh, former editor of Tuoi Tre, posed the question:

"Whether or not the truth is finally comes out?"

Chinese merchandises now dominate Vietnamese goods: fashion stuffs (clothing, footwear), construction materials, fertilizer, pesticide, toys, electronic devices, etc. Many Vietnamese businesses quietly ‘went belly up’ because heavy competition. The Chinese They go to agricultural industry of Vietnam, enjoy preferential tax rates, import their products, re-labeling under Vietnamese names and reselling in Vietnam. 

Vietnamese businessmen import Chinese goods because of the market, because of greed (too cheap, various models easy to sell, quick delivery, slow in payment ...) it is easy to fool the customers since there have been many different brands ( three deadly factors would destroy domestic products and related industry, ruin the trust of consumers to domestic products, Chinese products are toxic and harmful to human. She said.

On October 26, the online of the Voice of Vietnam reported: 

The incident of Khaisilk is not unique, in recent years, the products originating from China but are magically transform to Vietnamese products by local businesses. This 'cloned' product is not limited to any category of popular goods from high price to low price. The local government so far has no control at all ... The nature of this fraud is because the local business people actively create land for Chinese goods to grow in Vietnam, they open the door for the invasion of Chinese products. 

Well, another word, they shoot themselves on the foot.

Attorney Le Van Thiep, head of Global Attorney's Office in Hanoi, wrote on Facebook: 

"Vietnam can not produce a chip at the size of a a tennis ball, or big as the size of a soccer ball. They could not make a screw, how can they make the phone. All are Chinese goods or associated with China to assemble, then apply the Vietnamese label to scheme consumers. So do fruits, coming from China, after a series of manipulations and help of corrupted government officials become Australian, American and South African apples.

Only exported Vietnamese workers, Vietnamese brides are real."

Police investigation at Khaisilk store in Hanoi, Vietnam

Nguyen Van Phuoc, director of Tri Viet's First News Company, commented: 

For decades, the Viet Nam labeled but China content are to deceive consumers trust and patriotism in order to exploit illegally and to make good money by profiteer. It deserved any condemnation, and these profiteer must pay the price - but the more frightening is that 

The authorities of the "Vietnamese with Chinese-style thinking "are infiltrating, and hidden everywhere. Billions of dollars worth projects through loan from ODA, or foreign aids with the shell of Vietnam, Japan, with - low quality material Made in China- appear all over Vietnam, for example Saigon metro project is a dangerous, long-term threat to Vietnamese people.”

Based on: article of (T.K.) and translated by VNCH-Ngoc Truong October 29, 2017

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