Announcement on journalist Hoang Khuong - Dân Làm Báo

Announcement on journalist Hoang Khuong

Dear friends, 

In the context of corruption is a national disaster, the situation of abusing powers to misappropriate and extract money of people is increasingly common, the goal of journalist Hoang Khuong is justified, significantly contributing to the effort of the whole people aimed at cleaning up the administrative mechanism of the state. 

In the extremely difficult and dangerous operational conditions of the Vietnam media, although each reporter always has to daily face the tangible and intangible threats, the reporting method of journalist Hoang Khuong is a courage, morality, honor and conscience of a genuine journalist.

The articles of Hoang Khuong, namely “Where road accidents are settled off the records“, “Traffic cop takes bribe to return bike“, “Cops blatantly take bribes, threaten drivers” … not only contribute to shed light on the dark corners of those people who are in charge of maintaining, preserving disciplines and laws, but also is the strongest evidence of the justified motive of journalist Hoang Khuong. 

Based on the goal and journalism in the reference with the standards of ethical values, fundamental fairness and transparency of a proper legal background and journalist Hoang Khuong’s achievements which have contributed to the state. We, bloggers and freelancers, believe and recognize that: 

- Hoang Khuong is a professional journalist with conscience, responsibility and putting the common good of society first. 

- Hoang Khuong is an accountable Vietnamese citizen, he dared engage himself in actively contributing to healthy social and development of the state. 


- In a trial the news agency where journalist Hoang Khuong works for did not allowed to participate in litigation to prove that his acts absolutely had no signs of criminal violations. Furthermore the nature of his acts have been contributing to reduce the risk of corruption in society. Thus it is illogical to sentence journalist Hoang Khuong. The verdict of 4 years’ imprisonment to him is an unfair judgment. 

- This is not only unfair judgments against journalist Hoang Khuong, but also a suspended sentence for conscientious journalists actively fighting against corruption. It is a noose hanging over the Vietnam media. 

- The conviction is entirely contrary to the spirit of all commitments of the Party and the government in combating against wrongdoings, abuse of power, abuse of office, betraying the aspirations and efforts of the people in the mission of eliminating corruption , embezzlement, bribery and authoritarianism which have shattered Vietnam society. 

Although journalist Hoang Khuong was imprisoned by unjust judgment, his journey will be followed by our pace and sympathy of the people. He might be detained but his mission, which is a common mission of most people, might be not. 

The most significant, practical, beneficial to our dear country is that we always stand beside him, in his front line, and continue engaging ourselves in the battle between the good and the evil. 

Dear friends, 

That is the announcement on the conviction of journalist Hoang Khuong, which was launched by a number of bloggers and freelancers. We hope that everyone reads and shares information. If anyone agrees to sign, please send information including your name – the blog name and email to: 

All bloggers please post this announcement on your blog if possible. 

Sincere thanks to everyone! 


1. Blogger Hành Nhân
2. Blogger Huỳnh Công Thuận
3. Blogger Huỳnh Thục Vy
4. Blogger Trịnh Kim Tiến
5. Blogger Quang Minh Đỉnh
6. Blogger Mẹ Nấm
7. Blogger Vũ Đông Hà
8. Blogger Phạm Văn Hải
9. Blogger Phương Bích
10. Blogger Đào Hữu Nghĩa Nhân
11. Blogger Nguyễn Ngọc Lịch
12. Blogger Lê Anh Hùng
13. Nhà báo Nguyễn Quốc Chính
14. Blogger Lê Dũng
15. Nhà báo Bình Minh – Báo Trí Nhân Media
16. Blogger Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Linh
17. Blogger David Thiên Ngọc
18. Blogger Nguyễn Bá Chổi
19. Blogger Jimmy Hoàng Lê
20. Blogger Phi Vũ
21. Ký giả Trương Minh Đức
22. Linh mục DDCT Ân Thanh – Truyền thông Chúa Cứu Thế Sài Gòn
23. Nhà báo tự do Lê Diễn Đức
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55. Facebooker Lê Thị Hy Vọng
56. Facebooker Phạm Đình Diệm
57. Facebooker Đặng Văn Lập
58. Nhà báo tự do Nguyễn Quang Duy
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65. Blogger Lê Hiền Đức
66. Nhà báo tự do Tạ Dzu
67. Facebooker Nguyễn Quang Duy
68. Facebooker Nguyễn Văn Khải
69. Facebooker Phạm Đức Tuấn
70. Nhà báo – Blogger Huỳnh Ngọc Chênh
71. Blogger Nguyễn Nghĩa
72. Linh mục Đinh Hữu Thoại – DCCT Sài Gòn – Truyền thông Chúa Cứu Thế
73. Blogger D.D – Australia


Bài tiếng Việt:

Bản lên tiếng chung của các Bloggers và Nhà báo Tự do về trường hợp nhà báo Hoàng Khương

Cập nhật danh sách lúc 11h00, 21.09.2012

Các bạn trong thôn quý mến - Dân Làm Báo gửi đến các bạn cập nhật lên tiếng chung về trường hợp của nhà báo Hoàng Khương. Bản lên tiếng này khẳng định quan điểm của các blogger và nhà báo tự do đối với bản án dành cho Hoàng Khương. Cho đến hôm nay tổng cộng là 72 người đã cùng ký tên lên tiếng.
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