We all are Dinh Nhat Uy - Dân Làm Báo

We all are Dinh Nhat Uy

Coverage of the trial of Dinh Nhat Uy

Danlambao/Translated by Như Ngọc - The trial ends quickly in the morning. Dinh Nhat received a 15-month suspended sentence and 1 year of probation, which become effective today, Oct. 29, 2013.

The trial has recently ended at 11:40 a.m. and Uy is being taken back to the prison for doing paper works before going home.

Reportedly, the Long An Court decided to return Uy his belongings, including 6 T-shirts with the inscription “Hoang Sa-Truong Sa-Vietnam,” 2 T-shirts marked the words “No to U-Line! Yes to UNCLOS!“ in the front and "No_U FC. Remove U-shaped line. Protecting the sea and islands of Vietnam” in the back. These shirts were used by the Procuratorate as evidence of offenses in the indictment.

At 3 p.m. today, Uy left the prison to return to embracing arms of his family, friends and all those who loved justice and freedom.

All those arrested this morning have left police station and headed to the prison to greet Uy.


“I can endure more pains for Uy’s freedom!,” said Mr. Luu Trong Kiet, who was brutally beaten by police and regime-hired security guards of Ward 7, Long An City, Long An Province. (Photo courtsey of Hoang Dung Facebook CDVN)

At 12:40 p.m.:

At the police station of Ward 1, Dao Trang Loan (blogger Hu Vo) is fiercely demanding the return of her belongings which have been illegally seized by police.

At the police station of Ward 3, blogger Hoang Dung said that people detained here have left the police station and headed to the prison to welcome the return of Dinh Nhat Uy. Police seized his belongings without issuing a receipt. The seized items are 121 invitations to attend the trial, 10 A3 size banners demanding the release of Dinh Nhat Uy and 1 large banner. Hoang Dung then gave the police station two Human Rights handbooks; however, the police did not dare to take them.

At 12:30 p.m.:

All 14 people those who were illegally detained at police station of Ward 7 have left the police station. Reportedly, shortly after the trial ended, police at this station suddenly opened the gate then disappeared.

Currently, people are walking out, preparing to march against the illegal arrest and detention of people, and going to the prison to welcome Uy.


Below is a list of 9 people who were illegally detained at the police station of Ward 1, Tan An City.

1 . Dao Nhu Trang (blogger Hu Vo)
2 . Tran Thi Nga (Thuy Nga)
3 . Baby Tai, Tran Thi Nga’s son
4 . Nguyen Cao Cuong (from Vinh City)
5 . Truong Thi Quang
6 . Nguyen Thi Nhung (mother of Phuong Uyen)
7 . Pham Nhat Thuy Vuong
8 . Ms. Nga from Saigon
9 . Facebooker Ruoi Trau

At 11:30 a.m. 14 people listed below are illegally detained at police station of Ward 7.

1 . Nguyen Hoang Vi (An Do Nguyen)
2 . Bui Thi Nhung (Be Map Lai)
3 . Vu Hoang Sy (Hanh Nhan)
4 . Nguyen Thi Kim Lien (Mother if Dinh Nhat Uy)
5 . Dinh Nguyen Quynh Nhu (Older sister of Dinh Nhat Uy)
6 . Dinh Quynh Nhat Nguyen (12-year old child of Dinh Nguyen Quynh Nhu)
7 . Le Hong Phong ( Le Thien Nhan )
8 . Nguyen Thi Yen Trang (Mi Ruoi)
9 . Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy
10 . Nguyen Thi Nhan Huong
11 . Luu Trong Kiet
12 . Tran Dinh Ke (Tam Ke)
13 . Mr. Thien from Kien Giang Province
14 . Mr. Bui Chi Tam from Quang Ngai

Reportedly, at 11:55 a.m., a regime-hired female thug robs personal belongings of blogger Hu Vo.

Earlier, police of Ward 7 have threatened to interrogate detainees by force. However, people have resolutely refused to follow their orders. Police also prevented detainees from receiving foods and water from their friends. Defiantly, they rushed out to the gate en masse to receive supplies and police were unable to stop them.

Reportedly, Ms. Dinh Nguyen Quynh Nhu, Uy’s older sister, has dislocated her shoulder joint after a violent police crackdown.

Notably, Mr. Luu Trong Kiet, who came to attend the so-called public trial, was beaten very brutally. Upon being taken to police station of Ward 7, he was dragged off the bus and attacked by about 10 uniformed police and regime-hired security guards. Mr. Luu suffers multiple injuries including the ones on his eyes and face.

At 10:40 a.m., blogger Chau Van Thi is escorted home in Saigon by his girlfriend Nguyen Thao Chi for treatment after the accident. They both unfortunately had an accident while riding a motorbike from Long An to Saigon to attend the trial of Dinh Nhat Uy.

At 10:25 a.m., a Danlambao reporter from Long An revealed the phone number 0-908-171-753 of Mr. Bach Van Thuc, Deputy Police Chief of Ward 1, and asked supporters to call Mr. Bach regarding the arbitrary arrest and illegal seizure of mobile phones.

At the police station of Ward 7, the detainees are very strong in spirit. They all sing one of the most popular patriotic songs in South Vietnam before 1975, "Viet Nam Que Huong Ngao Nghe” – Vietnam, a defiant father land.

At 10 a.m., police of Ward 1 subdued detainees and confiscated their mobile phones cutting their attempt to contact the outside world.

Meanwhile, detainees at police station of Ward 7 are fighting fiercely against arbitrary arrest.

At 9:30 a.m., Bui Tuan Lam (Peter Lam Bui) and 2 people escaped police custody by jumping out of the bus that was carrying protesters to police station of Ward 7. Bui Tuan Lam told reporter as follows:

After being blocked by police from attending the trial of Dinh Nhat Uy, his supporters raised banners and shouted slogans demanding his release. About 20 minutes later, a senior security officer directed police and regime-hired security guards to crack down protesters and load them on 2 buses in a cruel manner.

Bui Tuan Lam was among the first people arrested and thrown into the bus. While trapped on the bus, Lam continued to lean out the window to shout slogans demanding the release of Dinh Nhat Uy. Suddenly, a big plainclothes security officer came over to punch him twice on the face. Then four regime-hired security guards dragged him away from the bus window.

Those who could escape police custody are setting up a plan to return to the court house to support Uy and to go to police station to demand the release of their friends.

At 8:50 a.m., the first vehicle carried 8 adults and 1 child to police station of Ward 1, including blogger Hu Vo, blogger Dao Trang Loan, Mrs. Thuy Nga and her child, Pham Nhat Thuy Vuong, Truong Thi Oang, Ms. Nga from Saigon, Nguyen Cao Cuong from Nghe An, Mrs. Nhung – Phuong Uyen’s mother, and blogger Ruoi Trau.

The second vehicle carried 15 people to police station of Ward 7, including blogger Nguyen Hoang Vi, Be Map Lai, Hanh Nhan, Mrs. Kim Lien – Uy’s mother, Ms. Quynh Nhu – Uy’s sister, Quynh Nhu’s 11-year-old daughter, blogger Luu Trong Kiet who was brutally assaulted.

At police station of Ward 7, security forces were very aggressive and attempted to beat detainees. At police station of Ward 1, police separated detainees for interrogating. Blogger Hu Vo currently has hypotension and stays in group with Mrs. Thuy Nga and her child.

Police also arrested and detain a number of people at police station of Ward 3, including the Rev. Le Ngoc Thanh, blogger Nguyen Nu Phuong Dung and Nguyen Phuong Uyen.

When the bus slowed down at an intersection, blogger Peter Lam Bui, Vinh Le and blogger Nguoi Xu Bo Son jumped out through the window to escape.

The bus that carries detainees to police station (Photo courtesy of Danlambao)

Meanwhile, police have been driving around the area to arrest anyone who tries to get close to the court house.

(Photo courtesy of VRNs)

At 08:20 a.m., Danlambao reporters reported that Long An Police have mobilized a large regime-hired security guards for a potential crackdown on those who try to attend the trial. Among those arrested are the elderly, women, children and a Catholic priest.

A young person sends an urgent text message that reads “Everyone is subdued and thrown onto a vehicle like an animal."

During the chaos, besides the screaming to protest against the crackdown, many people sing the song "Day Ma Di" – Get up to go forward.

At 8 a.m., police called in 2 big vehicles to serve the illegal arrests and detentions.

At 7:58 a.m., police suddenly arrested a group of people who were distributing banners that call for the release of Dinh Nhat Uy.

At 7:50 a.m., about 40 bloggers and supporters joined Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Lien, mother of Dinh Nhat Uy, at the court area. Everyone was stopped at the intersection of Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street and Truong Dinh Street. Family members of Uy were not allowed to attend the trial.

According to observers, blogger Nguyen Hoang Vi, Vu Sy Hoang (Hanh Nhan) , Peter Lam Bui , Father Le Ngoc Thanh, Phuong Uyen and her mother, and blogger Nguyen Nu Phuong Dung can be seen at the court house area.

Blogger Hu Vo, Le Thien Nhan, Thuy Nga, and Bach Hong Quyen made a long trip from Hanoi to Long An to support Dinh Nhat Uy. Also, blogger Nguoi Xu Bo Son came from Nghe An Province.

It should be noted that Long An Court intentionally conceals the materials that the Procuratorate used as evidence of offenses in the indictment, including 6 T-shirts with the inscription “Hoang Sa-Truong Sa-Vietnam,” 2 T-shirts marked the words “No to U-Line! Yes to UNCLOS!“ in the front and "No_U FC. Remove U-shaped line. Protecting the sea and islands of Vietnam” in the back.

At 7:30 a.m., defense lawyer Ha Huy Son enters the courtroom for defense procedures.

Many people and bloggers have joined Uy’s family members to support him.

Before the trial starts, blogger Chau Van Thi and his girlfriend Nguyen Thao Chi unexpectedly encountered a traffic accident. Chau Van Thi is being taken to a hospital to check for serious head injuries.


Today, October 29, 2013, Long An Court will put the patriotic citizen Dinh Nhat Uy on trial, starting the campaign to use Article 258 to attack on freedom of expression, belief, religion, assembly and association, and other rights of freedom and democracy.

The trial begins at 8 a.m. at 116 Truong Dinh, Ward 1, Tan An City, Long An Province. Judge Nguyen Hoa Binh will preside the trial. People's jurors are Le Thanh Phat and Dinh Cong Khanh. Nguyen Duc Thuong will act as the Prosecutor.

Uy’s relatives and friends come to support him (Photo courtesy of FB Thuy Nga)

Security forces barricade an intersection at the so-called public trial (Photo courtesy of FB Thuy Nga)

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