The youths of 2013 talk about former South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem - Dân Làm Báo

The youths of 2013 talk about former South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem

VRNs (November 04, 2013) – Binh Duong - "I realize there is a big difference in terms of moral value and personal integrity of the leaders of the former Republic of Vietnam and the ones in power of the current communist regime in Vietnam. Specifically, President Ngo Dinh Diem of the Republic of Vietnam respected freedom of speech and desired to protect the sovereignty of the homeland. In contrast, the communist rulers do not believe that God exists and think they can do everything; therefore, they rule this nation with human instinct. As a result, a lot of unpredictable consequences are happening," said Bui Lam, a young person living in Saigon.

During the past 50 years, the Vietnamese communist regime has concealed the historical truths about President Ngo Dinh Diem, who devoted his life for the desire to protect the sovereignty of Vietnam and strongly refused to allow Vietnam to fall under foreign domination over its land and sea territory. Meanwhile, the regime has covered up the truth about Ho Chi Minh and his role in land reform in North Vietnam and Tet offensive of 1968, etc., and denied the truth about ones of the most painful events in the history of Vietnam.

"The family members of President Diem, in a certain historical period of time, had made great contributions to the country of Vietnam. Instead of recognizing their contributions, the communist regime has criticized and spoken ill about them. It is an injustice to them, and it makes many of the next generation wrongly view about their will and sense of purpose for Vietnam and the Vietnamese People. Let history return to its true nature of its historical truth," said Nguyen Anh, a young person living in Saigon.

Bui Lam added, "I belong to the young generation, therefore I do not know anything about President Ngo Dinh Diem when he lead the nation. But I am lucky that my parents have told me about him. In addition, after finding the truth about him online I realize President Diem’s family is a family of virtue and its members devoted their lives to the homeland of Vietnam. But over the years the communist regime in Vietnam has tried to cover up the truth about President Diem and to speak ill about him."

It has been 50 years since the assassination of President Jean Baptiste Ngo Dinh Diem and his advisor Ngo Dinh Nhu in Cho Lon, Saigon, on November 2, 1963. President Diem, the first president of the Republic of Vietnam, lead South Vietnam for eight years and seven days – from Oct. 26, 1955 to Nov. 2, 1963.

"A good family and role model: Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc, President Ngo Dinh Diem, Mr. & Mrs. Nhu Xuan and their children. What a beautiful but tragic... In Vietnam, three people in the Ngo Dinh family got killed, the rest scattered around the world. A Nation collapsed," wrote Vien Nguyen.

"The short existence of the government of the Republic of Vietnam was not a failure for a government but a tragedy for the country of Vietnam," Bui Lam said.

"In the eyes of the earthly world, President Diem’s family is viewed as a scattered and sorrowful family. But in the eyes of God, it is a goodness that He has arranged. I am a Catholic, so I believe what happened to the family of President Diem is in the hand of Divine Providence," said Hoang Thi Thu Phuong, a Catholic living in Dong Nai.

Someone who pays a visit to Mac Dinh Chi cemetery in Lai Thieu, Binh Duong Province, where President Diem, Mr. Nhu, Mr. Can, Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc, and their mother Lucia are buried, can recognize the resting place of President Diem and his brother Nhu with the names“Gioan Baotixita Huynh” and “Giacôbê Đệ” on their gravestones respectively.

It makes one feel sorrow looking at their tombs, whose gravestones, unlike other ordinary ones, do not bear real names nor pictures. The deceased had gone away a long time ago, but the communist authorities still discriminate and despise them!

"He was a person of democracy and is a national hero of Vietnam who sacrificed his life for the country. But until now, his gravestone is not allowed to carry his name and picture. This is an act of the Vietnamese communist authorities to boycott a national hero of Vietnam," commented Luong Tam, a junior college student from Vinh who travelled to Saigon to visit President Diem’s tomb in Mac Dinh Chi cemetery on Nov. 1, 2013.

Binh Le wrote on Nov. 03, 2013, "[I] visit my dad's tomb in the month we pray for all souls. [I] also visit the tombs of Mr. Ngo Dinh Nhu and Mr. Ngo Dinh Diem. The piles of burning incense from their tombs release waves of aroma to the sky while the nearby tombs look deserted. It proves that, although people do not know President Diem, via Internet they have realized he is patriot, a loyalist to the Fatherland. He tried to keep the freedom for Vietnam and to refuse the U.S. control over Vietnam.” Binh said his father is also buried in Mac Dinh Chi cemetery where President Diem is buried.

To close this article, I’d like to quote a sentence from the homily of father Anthony Le Ngoc Thanh during the Holy Mass at Mac Dinh Chi cemetery on Nov. 01, 2013 to commenmorate the 50th anniversary of the assasination of President Ngo Dinh Diem, "When the regime does not dare to face the truth and be honest with history, more and more, they make Vietnam become a country of deceitfulness and corruption of personality because personality can not be built without a foundation."
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