Evidence showing that Vietnam - member of the United Nations Human Rights Council - violates human rights - Dân Làm Báo

Evidence showing that Vietnam - member of the United Nations Human Rights Council - violates human rights

Jasmine Tran (Danlambao) - On 30 December 2013, Thanh Hoa’s People’s Committee signed a decision of “Approval to fund Thanh Hoa Police in organizing a review conference on defence, security, and prevention of and resistance to terrorism and human rights activities

According to this decision the funding for this review conference is 32,600,000 Vietnamese dong (32 million 600 thousand Vietnamese dong).

This decision is of notable interest as it has combined “terrorism” and “human rights activities” into common targets of the police.

Below is the decision of Thanh Hoa People’s Committee on the prevention of and resistance to human rights activities - translated by Jasmine Tran:

THANH HOA PROVINCE                               Independence-Freedom-Happiness 
No: 4717/ QD – UBND                                      Thanh Hoa, December 30th, 2013 

Approval to fund Thanh Hoa Police in organizing a review conference 
in Thanh Hoa on defence, security, and prevention of and 
resistance to terrorism and human rights activities in 2013 


Based on the Law on the Organisation of the People’s Councils and People’s Committees on 26 November 2003; 

Based on the Law on State Budget (edited) on 16 December 2002; based on Decree No.60/2003/ND-CP on “Detailed rules and guides in utilizing the Law on State Budget”; based on Circular No. 59/2003/TT-BTC on 23 June 2003 of Ministry of Finance on “Guides of Decree No.60/2003/ND-CP on 6 June 2003 on rules and guides in utilizing the Law on State Budget”; 

Based on Circular No.01/2010/TT-BTC on 6 January 2010 of Ministry of Finance regarding: “Managing expenses for foreigners visiting and working in Vietnam; managing expenses to organize international conferences and seminars in Vietnam; managing expenses for national visits”. 

Based on orders of Thanh Hoa Province People’s Committee and of the Province President: Order No.4192/2012/QD-UBND on 13 December 2012 on “Estimating incomings from the national budget and outgoings of local budget, distributing the provincial budget in 2013”; Order 1060/2011/QD-UBND on 6 April 2011 on: “Rules on work expenses, rules on organizing conferences for government bodies and for Thanh Hoa local Government” 

In consideration for Thanh Hoa Finance Department’s suggestion in the official dispatch 4721/STC/QLNS.TTK on 23 December 2013 on “Requesting funding to organize the review conference on defence, security, and prevention of and resistance to terrorism and human rights activities 2013”. 


Item 1: Approval to fund Thanh Hoa Police to organize a review conference of 2013 on defence, security, and prevention of and resistance to terrorism and human rights activities. 

1. Total funding of 95,000,000 (95 million) Vietnamese dong.

1.1. Defence and security conference 62,400,000 Vietnamese dong.

1.2. Prevention of and resistance to terrorism and human rights activities conference: 31,600,000 Vietnamese dong. 

2. Budget sourced from local security expenditure (funding for border security and islands and maritime boundary security) reallocated to the 2013 province budget. 

Item 2: Based on the contents of item 1, this decision dictates: 

1. The Finance Department, presiding in conjunction with the Thanh Hoa government treasury, are responsible for the carrying out of procedures and funding of money to Thanh Hoa police, following government regulation. 

2. Thanh Hoa police are responsible for the correct management, efficiency, and direction of funding to appropriate subjects and ensuring all expenses are valid and reasonable.

Item 3: This decision is valid from the day it is signed. 

The chief of the Provincial People’s Committee Secretariat, Finance Department Director, Thanh Hoa Treasury Director, Thanh Hoa Chief Police, Chiefs of related government units and departments are all responsible in accomplishing this decision. 

- As in item 3, to implement 
- President and Vice-presidents of the Province People’s Committee 

Sealed and signed by 
Vice President 
Nguyen Dinh Xung


Thanh Hoa: Police burn money oppressing human rights whilst starved residents beg for food 

The official decision of Thanh Hoa Government is openly against human rights 

Danlambao has just received a decision from Thanh Hoa People’s Committee titled: “Approval to fund Thanh Hoa Police in organizing a review conference on defence, security, and prevention of and resistance to terrorism and human rights activities”. 

This is the decision 4717, signed by Nguyen Dinh Xung, vice-president of Thanh Hoa province, on 30 December 2013. 

According to the decision, Thanh Hoa People’s Committee will give funding of around 95 million Vietnamese dong to Thanh Hoa Police to organize two end-of-year review conferences. Of that, 32.6 million will be used for the “prevention of and resistance to terrorism and human rights activities conference”. 

By the very naming of the conference, Thanh Hoa authorities showed their sick mind and warped logic by combining terrorism and human rights into one common target for police to attack. 

This also proves that Thanh Hoa authorities are publicly intimidating human rights movements, even though Vietnam has recently become a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council. 

Moreover, as stated by the document, the financial resources needed to back up the prevention of and resistance to human rights activities are sourced from funding for border security, islands and maritime boundary security. 

Thanh Hoa is amongst the 15 provinces that requested the state government to urgently supply rice to its starved people in the New Year period and between-crop periods. 

With such excessive spending of money, it is no wonder the people of Thanh Hoa remain impoverished, whilst its fishermen working on its seas continue to be robbed, shot, and killed by Chinese soldiers. 


The original Vietnamese document:


Công văn của nhà cầm quyền tỉnh Thanh Hóa công khai chống lại nhân quyền

Danlambao vừa nhận được một công văn quái gở của UBND tỉnh Thanh Hóa mang tên: “Quyết định về việc phê duyệt hỗ trợ kinh phí cho công an tỉnh Thanh Hóa tổ chức Hội nghị tổng kết Quốc phòng - An ninh, công tác phòng chống khủng bố và nhân quyền năm 2013 tỉnh Thanh Hóa”. Quyết định số 4717 do ông Nguyễn Đình Xứng, phó chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Thanh Hóa ký ngày 30/12/2013.

Theo nội dung quyết định, UBND Tỉnh Thanh Hóa sẽ cấp kinh phí lên đến 95 triệu đồng cho công an Thanh Hóa tổ chức hai hội nghị tổng kết cuối năm. Trong đó, khoản kinh phí 32,6 triệu đồng sẽ được chi cho hoạt động có tên gọi “Hội nghị tổng kết công tác phòng chống khủng bố, nhân quyền”.

Ngay trong tên gọi của hội nghị, nhà cầm quyền tỉnh Thanh Hóa đã cho thấy não trạng bệnh hoạn và hoang tưởng khi gom chung khủng bố và nhân quyền thành những đối tượng để công an phòng chống. 

Đây là bằng chứng rõ rệt cho thấy nhà cầm quyền tỉnh Thanh Hóa công khai chống lại nhân quyền, giữa lúc Việt Nam trở thành thành viên của Hội đồng Nhân quyền Liên Hợp Quốc.

Cũng theo công văn, khoản tiền để chi cho hội nghị “chống nhân quyền” như trên được lấy từ nguồn kinh phí dành riêng cho an ninh biên giới, biển đảo. Tiền thuế nhân dân tiếp tục bị mang ra sử dụng cho những hoạt động vô bổ và phản nhân quyền.

Thanh Hóa là một trong 15 tỉnh vừa đề nghị lên trung ương xin cấp gạo cứu đói dịp tết và giáp hạt 2014.

Với lối chi tiêu một cách vô tội vạ như trên, chẳng trách sao người dân Thanh Hóa vẫn mãi nghèo, ngư dân Thanh Hóa ra biển vẫn tiếp tục bị lính Trung Quốc bắn giết, cướp bóc.

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