We cannot walk along with wickedness - Dân Làm Báo

We cannot walk along with wickedness

Facebook Ha Thanh - Translated by Như Ngọc (Danlambao) - Da Nang police said Do Van Binh, 18, committed suicide by hanging in police custody in Hoa Vang district, Da Nang City [around 4 p.m. on April 14, 2014], and there was no coercion or corporal punishment involved in the case. Do you believe so?

Personally, I cannot believe that a young man, who said to his lover “I will go there then return to marry you” before turning himself in [for a police investigation related to a motorcycle theft], would commit suicide when he was very young and had many dreams and ambitions.

Personally, I cannot believe a healthy 18-year-old boy who died from self-hanging could also suffer major wounds and bruises all over his body.

Personally, I cannot believe Da Nang police, without a reason, was so kind and generous in supporting the victim’s family 35 million VND (about $1,750) but required the family to immediately bury him and agree not to make any complaints.

The victim's family is very afraid to file complaints while angry lawyers want to help them pursue the case without legal fee.

Police banned the picture taking of the victim's body, why did they do so?

We are people of conscience and we cannot unemotionally walk along with wickedness.

I hope this case will be fully and justly investigated in order to bring justice for his family.

Reportedly, Binh’s father passed away and his mother suffers severe heart disease.

After a conversation with Binh’s relatives this afternoon I received these pictures.

Phone number of Binh’s mother: +84 0945614104

Phone number of Binh’s girlfriend: +84 01693628016

English translation:

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