A statement from 20 civil society organizations regarding the repression and arrests of patriotic protesters - Dân Làm Báo

A statement from 20 civil society organizations regarding the repression and arrests of patriotic protesters

On May 18, 2014, security forces have prevented, forbidden, oppressed, and imprisoned many citizens of Vietnam from, and for, participating in the protests against Chinese invasion of Vietnam’s waters in the East Sea. In response to these incidents, we strongly express our concerns as follows:

1. The guarding and preventing citizens of Vietnam from participating in the protests last Sunday, May 18, 2014, are the acts of abusing of power, seriously violating the constitutional right to freedom of movement of citizens.

2. The banning, repressing and making arrest of citizens for expressing against foreign aggression are destructive acts to patriotism, weakening the power of nationalism and benefiting the hegemony of Beijing.

3. The security forces were irresponsible for stopping the violence, arson and murder in the protests that 20 civil society organizations did not call for; in contrast, they were very aggressive in stopping the peaceful protests that had been informed by the patriots.

Based on the above evidences, we declare:

1. We honor the patriotic citizens for participating in the protests against Chinese aggression and express our determination to fight for the freedom of those have been imprisoned for their patriotism. To imprison them means to imprison patriotism; their freedom is the freedom to practice patriotism of the people of Vietnam.

2. We call for the immediate and unconditional release of Vo Quoc Anh, Trinh Anh Tuan and Huynh Ngoc Hieu, who, at the time this statement is made, are still held by the authorities for participating in anti-China protests on May 18, 2014.

3. We reject any policy and actions that prevent citizens of Vietnam from participating in peaceful and lawful acts to defend the Nation. We also condemn the acts of supplying financial and material resources to the thugs who have taken advantage of making anti-China protests to stage violence in order to smear the image of the Vietnamese people in taking part in activities to protect the country from foreign invasion. 

4. We continue to exercise the sacred and inviolable right of patriotism through the form of protest until the HD-981 rig disappears from the waters of Vietnam. We call on our compatriots across the country to stand firm together in taking measures to protect the country through different peaceful means that are suitable with different circumstances. The civil society organizations will announce specific plans in the near future.

May 19, 2014.

Co-signed by:

1. Basam News
2. Vietnam Path Movement
3. Danlambao
4. Dan Luan
5. Vietnam Civil Society Forum
6. Vietnamese Political and Religious Prisoners Fellowship Association
7. Democracy Brotherhood
8. Religious Rights Defender Association
9. The Needy Peer Assistance Group (Bau-Bi-Tuong-Than Group)
10. Interfaith Committee for Refugee and Human Rights Concerns
11. Bloc 8406
12. Network of Vietnamese Bloggers
13. The Patriotic Diary
14. The Nguyen Kim Dien Priests Group
15. No-U Hanoi
16. No-U Saigon
17. United Land Grab Victims Movement (Phong Trào Liên Đới Dân Oan)
18. The Monks Association of Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (Tăng Đoàn GHPGVNTN).
19. Vietnamese Redemptorists' News

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