Tuyen Quang police kidnap two members of Vietnamese Women for Human Rights - Dân Làm Báo

Tuyen Quang police kidnap two members of Vietnamese Women for Human Rights

Vietnamese Women for Human Rights * Translated by Như Ngọc (Danlambao) - Tuyen Quang police allegedly kidnapped two members of the Vietnamese Women for Human Rights around 10 a.m. on May 27, 2014. The two are currently held at an undisclosed location.

Today, May 27, 2014, three Hmong - Mr. Ly Van Dinh, Mr. Tu Duong Van Thao and Mr. Thao Quan Mua – are put on an appeal trial at a police station at 22 Kim Phu village, Yen Son district Yen Son, Tuyen Quang province.

Tuyen Quang authorities deliberately hold the trial of those three religious prisoners behind closed doors to prevent concerned citizens from attending.

From early morning, two members of Vietnamese Women for Human Rights, Huynh Phuong Ngoc and Nguyen Ngoc Lua, came to the trial but were not allowed to attend it.

It should be recalled that Thao Quan Mua, Ly Van Dinh and Tu Duong Van are convicted of "abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State and the rights and legitimate interests of organizations and citizens" under Article 258 of the Penal Code. According to the indictment, the Procuracy prosecuted them for committing the acts of gathering many people and building a funeral home for local Hmong people.

The appeal court upholds Mr. Ly Van Dinh’s 15-month prison sentence and Mr. Thao Quan Mua’s 18-month prison sentence, and reduces Mr. Duong van Tu’s 21-month prison sentence to a 19-month prison sentence.

Especially, Tuyen Quang police have arrested Nguyen Ngoc Lua and Huynh Phuong Ngoc, and held them at an undisclosed location.

Nguyễn Ngọc Lụa
Huỳnh Phương Ngọc

In recent days, many members of Vietnamese Women for Human Rights have been continually suppressed. Le Thi Phuong Anh has been held incommunicado; Tran Thi Nga is physically attacked by undercover police and suffers broken leg and arm; and today Lua and Ngoc become the targets.

We ring the alarm to all compatriots at home and abroad. Please help us in the struggle to protect our members in particular and human rights activists in general.


Huynh Thuc Vy, Executive Board
Cell phone: 0905 154 708
Skype: vyhoang.jane
Facebook: www.facebook.com / huynhthucvy

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