Letter from The Network of Vietnamese Bloggers about the Movement “We want to know” - Dân Làm Báo

Letter from The Network of Vietnamese Bloggers about the Movement “We want to know”

It has been a long time of being covered up and hidden from the facts, the People of Vietnam have not been aware of information and decisions affecting the entire nation. In the mean time, the people constantly face the threat of being arrest lingering over half century debilitated the wills of fighting for a brighter future Vietnam. 

The Movement “We want to know” initiated with the goal demanding the government to responsibly answer to the public about the information threatening the country’s sovereignty, and more importance it encourages each and all of us to step out of our shadow of fear.

Regardless any movement or good political strategy, the success only comes when we have substantial participations from the massive crowds; it implies the importance of participation from each individual with simplest and easiest actions by exposing your real identities and executing your civil rights with the message saying “we want to know” will be a first foot-step of those, who want to step out of their shadow to enlighten the desires of The Vietnam People

Initiating on September 2, 2014 the Movement “we want to know” achieves several steps of encouragement. 

It is now spreading all across the country; the movement has gained supports from one after another along with pictures and their identities. The messages “I want to know, we want to know” and “It is our rights to know” have been consistently appeared on the numbers of written articles posted recently in an attempt to enlighten the movement. 

The Movement “we want to know” now becomes common interest from all supporters. 

In this movement, the Network of Vietnamese Bloggers humbly considers itself as an element in a much larger organization and direly makes the following requests: 

1. All Civil societies including organizations fighting for human rights shall actively join and raise their voices urging for more participations and spreading our civil rights because naturally they should belong to our fundamental rights. 

2. Communist party members, highly ranking army officials, soldiers and those who have bravely made the request to the communist party leaders to publicly answer the agreements that they signed with the Chinese communist party in 1990 at the Chengdu inter-party Convention and also other agreements affecting the sovereignty of the country. Let put our hands together and make this task become a common interest for all citizens. 

3. Let’s work together to exchange the ideas and let make this movement spreading for more participations; in the mean time be prepared for other plans forwards in the efforts of spreading this news to other individuals on the street. The movement “We want to know” is a short term plan in a broader strategy of fighting for a brighter Vietnam in which the September 28, 2014 - International Right To Know Day will be remarked and measured the success whether we have thousands of participations with real identities raising the message “I want to know” as the way of challenging the totalitarian depriving the civil rights and the rights of governing the country from the people of Vietnam.

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Copyright © 2014 Dân Làm Báo