Vietnam civil society organizations' message on International Human Rights Day - Dec 10, 2014 - Dân Làm Báo

Vietnam civil society organizations' message on International Human Rights Day - Dec 10, 2014

The authorities of Communist dictatorship in Hanoi have restricted or deprived of the fundamental human rights of Vietnamese people set forth in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and in the International Covenants on Civil rights, Political, Cultural, Economic and Social although Vietnam has signed and pledged to observe. The restriction and deprivation are both applied in the law and out of the law.

The authorities have a Constitution and law system solely favorable to Communist rulers and their interests. They hold a monopoly on the political field and education, a privilege on cultural mind setting and economy. They trample the basic human rights of people, such as the right of private land ownership, freedoms of information and expression, freedoms of religion and belief, freedoms of assembly and association, freedoms of movement and residence, the rights to physical, residential security.

The authorities currently are jailing hundreds of people struggling for human rights, democracy and religion. They are falsely accused of breaking criminal laws, infringing of “national security” and destabilizing society while they really just are prisoners of conscience.

For years, especially in 2014, the public security agencies of Vietnam ratcheted up systematically violent acts against the active human rights defenders.

On the occasion of the whole world commemorates the Universal Human Rights Day Dec 12, 2014, the Vietnam civil society organizations (CSOs) strongly declare:

1. Opposing any acts that the Communist government of Vietnam violated human rights.

2. Requesting the Vietnam Communist authorities to revise the Constitution and laws according to the people’s expectation and consistent with international human rights standards.

3. Calling on the Communist government of Vietnam to release immediately and unconditionally all prisoners of conscience.

4. Asking the Communist government of Vietnam to immediately stop using violence and torture against activists for human rights, democracy and religion;

5. Requesting the Communist government of Vietnam to respect the basic human rights:

- Farmers should have the right of private ownership of land, should be adequately and fairly compensated when requisitioned, should be entitled to establish their associations.

- Workers should get a living wage, should have the proper working conditions in human dignity and the right of making their unions.

- Parents and young people should be entitled to have an independent education system in humanity, liberal, non-politic. Students should be financed and supported to study as much as possible.

- All religious organizations should have freedom to choose their staffs and independence in their activities. They should have the right to educate young people and to teach the religious morality in the society.

- All private enterprises should compete fairly and accessing state-owned banks loans easily in a truly free market.

- All citizens should have the rights to establish political parties and civil society organizations, exercising the freedom of information and expression, freedom of residence and travelling (foreign and domestic), freedom to choose their representatives, the right to participate in the public services not as a Communist Party member.

- All people should be entitled to live in a security and healthy environment with clean water, clean air, clean food; escaping the threat of flooding streets, bauxite red mud, floods aggravated by hydro plants.

- All prisoners should be treated with dignity: no torture, no exploitation, adequate food, medical treatment. They get the needs of emotional, cultural or religious. The releases should have no house arrests and discrimination during integration in the society.

More than ever, we urge the United Nations, parliamentaries and democratic governments; international organizations honoring the universal values of human rights; overseas Vietnamese communities to stand side by side with us in the struggle for human rights, freedom and democracy of our Vietnam nation.

Congress and democratic governments around the world, especially the United States, would have the sanctions while the ruling Communists continue violating human rights by adopting HR.4254, S.929 (the Vietnam Human Rights Sanctions Act), by CPC (Country of Particular Concern on severe violations of religious freedom ), and by stopping Vietnam to join TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership).

Vietnam, Dec 1, 2014 International Human Rights Day, CSOs co-sign:

1. Bach Dang Giang Foundation: Pham Ba Hai (MBE).
2. Bauxite Việt Nam: Prof. Nguyễn Huệ Chi, Prof. Phạm Xuân Yêm
3. Civil Society Forum: Nguyễn Quang A (Ph.D.)
4. Cao Dai Church: Mr. Hứa Phi, Mr. Nguyễn Kim Lân, Mrs. Bạch Phụng
5. Evangelical Lutheran Community Church Vietnam-America: Pastor Nguyễn Hoàng Hoa.
6. Christian Mennonite Church: Pastor Nguye n Manh Hung, Pastor Huynh Phuc Khai, Pastor Phạm Ngọc Thạch
7. Worker Farmer Solidarity Association: Mr. Nguyen Mai
8. Friendship Association of Political and Religious Prisoners: Nguyễn Bắc Truyển (LLB)
9. Brotherhood for Democracy: Lawyer Nguyen Van Dai.
10. Association to Protect Freedom of Religion: Ms. Hà Thị Vân
11. Gourd and Squash Mutual Association: Mr. Nguyen Le Hung
12. Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience: Dr. Nguyen Dan Que, Catholic Priest Phan Van Loi.
13. Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam: Pham Chi Dung (Ph.D.)
14. Vietnamese Women for Human Rights: Ms.Huynh Thuc Vy, Mrs. Tran Thi Hai, Ms. Tran Thuy Nga
15. Evangelical Protestant Chuong Bo Church: Pastor Lê Quang Du
16. Democracy Bloc 8406: Engineer Đỗ Nam Hải.
17. Viet Labors: Ms Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh
18. Network of Vietnamese Bloggers: Ms. Nguyen Hoang Vi
19. Nguyen Kim Dien Group: Catholic Priest Nguyen Huu Giai
20. Hoa Hao Buddhists Church, Purity: Mr. Lê Quang Liêm, Mr. Phan Tấn Hòa, Mr. Tống Văn Chính, Mr. Lê Văn Sóc.
21. Vietnam Path Movement: Mr. Trần Văn Huỳnh
22. Oppressed Petitioners Solidarity Movement: Ms. Tran Ngoc Anh
23. Delegation of Vietnamese United Buddhists Church: Ven. Thich Khong Tanh. Ven. Thich Vien Hy.
24. Justice and Peace Office of Vietnam Redemptorists: Father Dinh Huu Thoai.

* Translation by Trang Thien Long (Tell the world).
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