Communist security motorbike strikes and injures Nguyễn Bắc Truyển - Dân Làm Báo

Communist security motorbike strikes and injures Nguyễn Bắc Truyển

Nguyễn Bắc Truyển reports the accident, caused by security personnel, on 28 August 2014.

CTV Danlambao * Translated by Jasmine Tran - Nguyễn Bắc Truyển was injured after he was hit by the motorbike of two communist securities on 28 August 2014 at around 7pm in Saigon. Truyển is a human rights activist who was sentenced to three and half years in prison for his human rights activities.

The malicious incident occurred when Truyển and his wife Bùi Thị Kim Phượng were walking home from a bus station. Close to 349 Bà Hạc street (Ward 4, District 10), two securities on a motorbike intentionally drove forwards, crashing onto the couple.

The brutal crash left Truyển with a head injury, requiring him to be hospitalised. Bùi Thị Kim Phượng was fortunately uninjured, as the attackers mainly targeted her husband.

On the afternoon of 29 August, talking to DanLamBao as he recovered, Nguyễn Bắc Truyển was certain that the assailants were the securities who had stalked him and his wife.

“Yesterday, on my way home from the bus station, two men riding a motorbike collided into me from behind. The strike knocked me down backwards.”

Truyển recognised their faces; they were two securities of a group of three who had followed and watched him and his wife on 28 August.

“The impact of the collision was intense; when I fell off it was a hard landing. I felt sore all over my left side. My head struck the motorcycle handlebars, and I felt dizzy and nauseous.”

University lecturer Phạm Minh Hoàng brought Truyển to Việt Pháp hospital for an examination. Truyển remained there overnight under observation.

Truyển's life is in danger

On the evening of 29 August 2014, the 47 year old activist came home to his rented house on 383/6 Bà Hạc Street, Ward 4, District 10. Police and securities still remained nearby, guarding his house. 

Truyển’s friends quickly related the incident to diplomatic agents and international embassies in Vietnam.

In a conversation with DanLamBao, Nguyễn Bắc Truyển expressed his concerns for his family's safety, especially after the past 6 months, during which he had been severely terrorized and abused.

Nguyễn Bắc Truyển is a human rights activist who was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. He was charged with “conducting propaganda against the State”.

He wrote valuable articles on DanLamBao, calling for democracy and human rights in Vietnam. He raised his voice for prisoners of conscience being detained in the communist prison system. 

After he was released, he married and lived in Lấp Vò district of Đồng Tháp province. However, as police concerns regarding his influence over the followers of the Hòa Hảo Buddhist Church heightened, they brutally harassed him and his wife days before his wedding.

Fearing for their safety in Đồng Tháp, Truyển and his wife moved to Saigon and stayed in a rented room, of teacher Phạm Minh Hoàng’s family.

Planned car accidents or other designed, fatal plots are commonly used by the Communist police to attack and silence citizens with divergent opinions.

In 1988, the entire family of playwriter Lưu Quang Vũ was killed in a suspicious car accident. To this day, the public still regard the accident as a strategic scheme targeting Lưu Quang Vũ, whose plays were famous for fiercely criticizing the Communist regime. 

Such tactics have been applied many times to democracy leading activists, such as those of the Bloc 8406 democracy movement.

In 2011, Nguyễn Hoàng Vi was also injured in a contrived car accident. The brutal crash caused her to tumble down, with her face crushed into the road. 16 of her teeth were broken, and her lip torn. This accident continues to cause her many health issues to this day.

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