Statement from "For a Green Hanoi" group on the attack against Nguyen Chi Tuyen - Dân Làm Báo

Statement from "For a Green Hanoi" group on the attack against Nguyen Chi Tuyen

At 7:30 a.m. May 11, 2015, Nguyen Chi Tuyen (Facebooker Anh Chi), a member of "For a Green Hanoi," was suddenly attacked by five masked men on Ngoc Thuy Street, Long Bien district, Hanoi, after taking his child to school.

Those five men used iron tubes to hit him brutally and dangerously slammed on his head causing severe injuries. Learning the attack, some members of the group called in an ambulance to rush him to a hospital. Doctors performed a 6 cm long suture on his head and he is recently discharged.

"For a Green Hanoi" group announces the statement as follows:

- We oppose and condemn violence in any form by any one; especially, if such violence is backed and or incited by public authorities. Our perspective is to support peace, humanity, and the protection of human rights, of which bodily integrity is an absolute right.

- We are not afraid and will not back down in the fight for common interests such as protecting the environment and trees in Hanoi and promoting government transparency and accountability.

- We request Long Bien police to carry out swift investigation on this case, to hunt down and make arrest of suspects and to protect citizens.

Nguyen Chi Tuyen in an anti-China protest

“I support human rights because I want our children 
and grandchildren to have a chance to live in a society as a human being” 

“I don’t like the Vietnamese Communist Party”
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